Israel Begins Four-Day Nationwide Drill to Prepare for War

Israeli Soldiers

According to Joel Rosenberg’s blog (see story here), Israel begins a yearly nationwide military drill on Sunday.  The four-day exercise focuses on municipalities’ abilities to respond to massive missile and rocket attacks.  On Wednesday, air raid sirens will sound as a warning for a simulated attack, sending civilians to designated shelters. 

The Obama administration continues to make clear they have no stomach for seriously confronting Iran.  Meanwhile, Iran has made clear its desire to develop a nuclear weapon.  The recent UN “sanctions” will do nothing to dissuade Iran, both because they know the US has no intention of doing anything but talking and because it’s turned out there’s a giant loophole in the sanctions which do not restrict Iran’s purchase of ground-to-air missiles.  Coincidently enough, Iran bought such missiles from Russia a few years ago, but Russia has not yet delivered the weapons. 

Israel knows they’re going to have to “go it alone” in defense of their nation.  It’s highly unlikely Israel will sit by while Iran obtains nuclear weapons.  Therefore, given the current situation (and seeming unlikelihood of any change in the near term), Israel will likely feel forced to launch a preemptive strike in order to protect their national security.  Given the presence of US troops in the region, I see little possibility of the United States not being drawn into such a confrontation.

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