The REAL Alvin Greene Story

Alvin Greene


The media is in a feeding frenzy over the Alvin Greene story – he’s the guy who won the recent South Carolina Democrat primary while being unemployed and apparently doing no campaigning.  Everyone wants to know how he came up with the fee to get his name on the ballot and if he’s really a GOP “plant.” 

As usual these days, everyone is missing the real story in the Alvin Greene story.  South Carolina apparently requires a person pay $10,400 to get his or her name on the ballot.  Ten thousand, four hundred dollars – how many of you have that kind of change just “sitting around?”  So if most of us don’t have this kind of money, what does that mean when it comes to elections?

The answer, and the story the media should actually be covering, is this means only those endorsed by the parties (and therefore gaining access to party campaign funds) or the independently wealthy are able to get on the ballot.  The regular person – you know, the people our founders thought should run for office – are eliminated from consideration since most of us don’t have and can’t raise this type of money just to get on the ballot

If we the people, who want to restore the system back to its Constitutional bounds, can’t get our names on the ballot, how can we remove the “career politicians” and effect actual American-value based change?  The system, at every level, is designed to favor the party-favorite “career politician” candidate. 

We must change election laws so that everyone who wants to run – not just the uber-rich or the “party candidate” – can get their name on the ballot.  Nothing will change unless we change the system.

Categories: Analysis, Commentary, Elections, Politics | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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