We’re Open and Tolerant – of Our Own Opinions

Juan Williams (Image: Wikimedia Commons)

Shame on NPR and especially its CEO, Vivian Schiller, for firing Juan Williams.  Your actions simply prove my earlier point that progressive liberals are “open” and “tolerant” of any viewpoint as long as it’s their own.  Ms. Schiller, in one fell swoop, you have single-handedly exposed the rottenness and evil of progressivism for the world to see – thank you!

Ms. Schiller, if anyone is in need of a psychiatrist, it’s you (as an aside, if you want to sincerely apologize to Mr. Williams for your remark, do so by personal phone call to him instead of a “cover my ass” “statement” – funny how progressives consistently label anyone who disagrees with them as someone in need to mental help).  My friendly advice is for you to close your mouth and simply resign.  Every time you keep opening your mouth, you do nothing but expose more and more the hypocrisy of the liberal media and progressive agenda.  You claim you fired Williams for violation of objectivity standards, yet have done nothing about your “journalists” at NPR who repeatedly disparage conservatives.  Apparently, in your mind, objectivity only applies if someone deviates from the approved progressive liberal talking points supplied by George Soros’s liberal think tanks (more actually, attack machines), like the Tides Foundation and Media Matters.

Speaking of Soros, Ms. Schiller also reveals the progressive’s contempt for the average American.  She, like most progressives, seems to believe the American people are brain-dead, gullible idiots incapable of independent thought.  How else does one explain the fact she thinks we don’t see the connection to Williams’ dismissal and NPR just receiving $1.8 million from George Soros for a program to hire “journalists” to “report” on “news” from every state capital?

Yet, I owe a debt of gratitude to Ms. Schiller.  This whole incident has exposed the progressive liberal mindset and agenda unequivocally to the light of day.  You are an idiot or liar if you look at this incident and cannot see progressives for what they are:  They claim “openness” and “toleration” of all viewpoints, but shut people down as soon as they express a viewpoint in opposition to the progressive agenda.  Open and honest debate of ideas in the public forum, where the best solution wins, is simply not allowed.  Progressives think the average American is a moron, incapable of rational self-thought – and certainly incapable of self-government.  Without their guidance, progressives believe, we uneducated and uncouth serfs will do nothing but rape, pillage and murder “Mother Earth.”  We are simple children and any deviation must be severely dealt with – for our own good after all.

Elected representatives, remind me again why my hard-earned tax dollars are going to support NPR and PBS?  The liberal bias of these organizations is inarguably clear at this point.  If they chose to have such bias, that’s fine, but it should be done without the use of public money.  After all, if liberal progressive ideas are so good, shouldn’t they be capable of standing on their own without the need for public subsidies?

I disagree with Williams on many of his opinions.  Even so, I respect him as a man of integrity and one of the only liberals I’ve seen who’s willing to engage in an open, honest and civil debate of ideas.  He is a stand-up guy who doesn’t rely on the progressive fall-backs of baseless ad hominem attacks like Bill Clinton and Barry Obama or simply walking away when a discussion isn’t going his way like the clueless, liberal progressive “ladies” on The View.

NPR and Vivian Schiller, your actions are inexcusable.  You toss out Juan Williams, the only African-American male broadcaster on your network, because he’s not towing the “party line.”  Then you disparage the American people by offering idiotic “evidence” as some sort of justification for your actions, all the while seeming to think we’re too ignorant to notice the timing of your actions — right after George Soros buys your network for $1.8 million.  Give me a break!  But on the other hand, again, thank you for so clearly exposing the liberal progressive mindset to the light of day.

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