Posts Tagged With: Chamber of Commerce

Anything but the Issues

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Progressives, why is it so difficult for you to discuss issues?  Surely, if your ideas are as good and as solid as you claim, you’d welcome open and honest debate on the issues?  Doesn’t “openness” and “toleration,” which you claim to support, mean we debate issues and ideas in the public forum where the best solutions win?  Why is it “openness” and “toleration” for you apparently means openness and toleration for only your own ideas?  Why is your consistent response to those who disagree with you nothing but ad hominem attacks and divisiveness?

The other day, Bill Clinton claimed Republicans need psychiatric help and by implication, those who vote against Democrats are nothing but mindless GOP puppets.  Obviously since liberal progressive ideas are so wonderful, the only possible explanation for anyone disagreeing with them is because the person has a mental problem.  Bill, how exactly do comments like yours foster dialogue and discussion?  As with all progressives, you claim openness and toleration, but then immediately dismiss or attack anyone who holds differing ideas.  Doesn’t exactly sound like openness and toleration to me.

Then we have Team Obama® relentlessly attacking the US Chamber of Commerce (USCC) over nebulous claims of using foreign money for campaign contributions.  Yet, Team Obama® offers zero proof to support their accusations, instead saying no one can prove the USCC isn’t doing it.  Huh?  So now we’re guilty until proven innocent?  Aside from being yet another tactic to avoid debate on actual issues, someone needs to warn Team Obama® those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

While spouting their baseless claims against the USCC, they forget (or more likely conveniently ignore) the fact Clinton and Gore were caught accepting Chinese campaign contributions.  Team Obama® received numerous unidentifiable and untraceable campaign contributions.  Even more damning is video evidence of phone banks in Palestine soliciting donations for Team Obama®.  So while actual proof exists of Democrats and Team Obama® doing exactly what they baselessly accuse the USCC of doing, that proof is conveniently ignored – an actual inconvenient truth.  The media won’t bring it up and Team Obama® supporters remain drunk on their kool-aid, not wanting to be bothered with such a “downer” as the truth.

This brings us back to my first point: why the fear to discuss issues?  Why is every serious question about issues met with dismissal or attack?  Could it be, progressives, that you know when held to the light of truth, your platform falls apart like so many cockroaches scattering when the light comes on?

I base my opinions, principles and positions on independent critical research of the facts.  Therefore, I’m willing to stand by my ideas and defend them.  Why the fear on your part to do the same?

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