Posts Tagged With: Missile

Chinese Stealth Fighter “Leak” Perhaps Intentional? Really?

Chinese J-20

The Wall Street Journal ran a piece today which speculates the recent online posting of video and photos showing China’s here-to-unknown J-20 stealth fighter might have been an intentional move on the part of the Chinese.  It might be intentional?  Gosh, and I suppose the Pope might be Catholic.

China allows only state controlled mediaChina controls its citizen’s access to the internet.  China doesn’t allow unauthorized people to wander up to military bases and take photos and videos while secret military projects are being tested.  China doesn’t allow those silly notions we entertain of freedom of speech and freedom of the press.  So why would anyone believe the release of these photos and videos is anything but an intentional move on the part of the Chinese?

The WSJ article goes on to mention these photos and videos just happened to appear right before United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates heads to China “…on a mission to repair military ties.”  And yet we still question if the release was intentional?

The Chinese government is very concerned (to put it mildly) over our reckless, out-of-control spending and printing of money.  Since they own a large share of our debt, they stand to take a big hit if when to dollar collapses.  They have warned us in no uncertain terms that they will not tolerate much longer our spending habits threatening their investments.  As I mentioned in a previous post, with little notice by the mainstream media, Russia and China agreed to go off the dollar for trade between the two nations.  And yet we still question if the release was intentional?

The Chinese military leadership is growing increasingly unhappy with the Chinese government.  The military leaders are seeking more control and more power.  And yet we still question if the release was intentional?

The Department of Defense down plays the significance of these photos and videos.  However, the Chinese are well-known for taking foreign technology, reverse engineering it and producing a better end product.  We’ve already seen examples with the Chinese buying Soviet MiGs, taking them apart then building a better fighter.  We’re also talking about the same DoD whose intelligence analysts were apparently unable to distinguish between a missile contrail and an aircraft contrail – it was left up to a blogger to supposedly “solve” this mystery.  Add to it the nefarious dealings of Clinton, Gore and the Democrat Party with China which have never been fully explained.  Throw in the fact the videos and photos of the J-20 appear to show an aircraft of similar design and assumedly similar capability as the F-22.  And yet we still question if the release was intentional?

I had an opportunity to hear the esteemed entrepreneur, developer of the Atari 2600 and founder of Chuck E. Cheese, Gene Landrum, PhD, speak yesterday.  During the Q&A, someone asked what we should be doing.  Dr. Landrum’s only-half-joking response: “Learn Mandarin Chinese.”  One of the smartest business brains in the world sees where we’re headed.  And yet we still question if the release was intentional?


Categories: Analysis, Commentary, Economics, Economy, History, Military and War, Politics | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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