Posts Tagged With: Terrorists

Mumbai – Why?

Is it, Mr. President?

In the middle of one of the worst financial crises in our nation’s history, Barrack Obama is taking a trip to Mumbai at tax payer expense which is projected to be the largest and most costly presidential trip ever.  Some estimates are putting the cost for this little jaunt at up to $200 million per day or $2 billion for the entire ten day trip, which also includes stops in Indonesia and South Korea.  Does this guy just not get it?

Mumbai ring a bell?  It should for good reason.  Nearly two years ago it was the site of a well-coordinated Islamic terrorist attack.  On November 26, 2008, Pakistani Islamic jihadists attacked various locations and seized control of several hotels, killing 173 people.  It took until the 29th for Indian Special Forces to finally subdue the remaining Islamists at the Taj Mahal hotel.  This is the hotel where Obama is staying – the entire hotel rented out for “security” at US tax payer expense.  You can see the Taj Mahal hotel burning in photos from the Boston Globe link.

So why is Obama spending money we don’t have in order to travel to a highly unstable location?  Why is Obama purposely putting himself – and all those traveling with him – into an extremely unsafe and dangerous situation for no obvious gain?  Don’t get me wrong, the point isn’t should we be spending this much money to protect the President.  Of course we should provide the best security for every president.  The point is, as they’d say during World War II, is this trip really necessary?

Categories: Commentary, Federal Government, History, Military and War, Politics | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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